S3. EP46 - Toby Bellbowen

On today’s episode we’ve got Sprint Car Hub founder and creator Toby Bell Bowen. An incredible driver himself, Toby was tearing up the speedway tracks for over seven years before his career was cut short due to a medical condition. With an undeniable passion for sprintcars, we learn how Toby turned his life around, reinvented his career and kicked off the new wave of speedway content across Australia. You can hear all about this and more from the couch, including:

➡ FULL STORY: Racing career and why Toby retired

➡ Sprint Car Hub’s beginnings and future direction

➡ BTS of interviewing drivers trackside (who’s upset, supportive and/or not speaking?)

➡ Demand for LIVE content at speedway events

➡ Unpredictable nature of sprintcar racing

➡ Growing up in a speedway family

➡ Racing sprintcars in the US

➡ OMG! Does Toby reveal who the Keyboard Racer/s is?

➡ Concussion devices…we chat more

➡ Organisational shit show: speedway fragmentation issues



Listen to the full episode :


Watch the full episode and highlights on YouTube:


S3. EP47- Craig Dontas


S3. EP45 - Matt McLean