S2. EP25– Chevy Olexienko

Chevy Olexienko

On today’s episode we’ve got Chevy Olexienko, Chevy is a FMX rider who traveled all the way from Queensland to be here on the show today. He’s done some extremely cool stunts that some people could only dream of. 

Many people are terrified of broken bones. Not Chevy. This future Crusty Demon, is pedal to the metal, launching himself off insane jumps to entertain crowds all over the world. 

This is the first time Hooly has spoken to a professional FMX rider. Not only did he get to know Chevy but also got to know about the sport. So buckle up if you are new to two wheels also because you are in for one hell of a ride. 

In the studio we were also joined by Chevy’s girlfriend Zoey, who you will hear on the mic from time to time in the background with Brooke. You’ll hear some crazy stories from Chevy, beyond the helmet.


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Watch clips from the episode:


S2. EP26– Stu McCarthy


S2. EP24– Cody McKay